We just released the trailer for our platform Woven! Woven is the first complete e-wearable pervasive game platform. Playing a game has become magical. But during the build we discovered that Woven is much more than a game platform. It is a true platform possible to use during daily activities and make them much more [...]
Trailer SPOOKY
We just released the trailer for SPOOKY! Spooky lets the player experience the hidden dark and funny world of ghosts, spirits and phantoms. Invisible for the human eye, they are looking to misbehave. You will go on a big adventure, collecting these spirits. The player will be attacked at different times and different locations. Fight [...]
RTV Utrecht
Rtv Utrecht created 5 items about graduation students of the Utrecht School of the arts and we were one of them (and sorry it’s in Dutch):
Tedx talk Sport Innovation

We gave a short talk (sorry in Dutch) at the Tedx Side-event Seminar Sport Innovation: Learning of the Olympics and showed the current status of the platform and advantages/disadvantages of an e-wearable pervasive game platform. The status of the build during this presentation was far from complete, but still it greatly showed the possibilities and [...]